The journey to bring Blame It On Gutenberg to this form has taken numerous twists and turns, foremost among them being Covid, which created unprecedented challenges for filming and added to the costs of the project. Nonetheless, inspired by the plight of people we encountered, personal experiences, and what we felt was a need for information to help parents (like us) we forged ahead to craft a high-quality production that would present the information in a medium dyslexics can readily access.
We also embarked upon this as a self-funded venture, an unusual course for a project such as this. All expenses incurred have been out of pocket, and all creative and technical work has been performed without compensation.
This non-traditional approach was the only way we could make sure that the film got made, trusting the audience for the film will appreciate our effort and ultimately help us recover the cost of time and treasure to produce it.
But we have only been able to take Blame It On Gutenberg so far.
To overcome the obstacles presented by Covid, the film utilizes imagery from third-party sources, which currently limits the film to Web distribution only. Similar restrictions apply to the music tracks. To access “broadcast” outlets such as Netflix, Prime, Hulu, cable channels, and the like, our licenses will need to be upgraded. The film will also require technical enhancements to insure it meets the quality control standards of those distributors, as well as other legal and insurance expenses.
We hope you will see the value in helping our film reach the widest audience possible.
Blame it On Gutenberg enjoys non-profit status through its participation with the Filmmakers Collaborative, a 501c iii foundation which has been providing tax-exempt sponsorship and support to independent media projects since 1986.