

We are happy to present Blame It On Gutenberg, which is now available for group screenings, Learning Forums, classroom and corporate use.  The 64-minute film examines the precedent setting federal case Mr. and Mrs. Doe vs Cape Elizabeth School District heard by the First Circuit court, which is interwoven with explorations of neuroscience, dyslexia research, reading instruction, the role of print through history, and much more.


This film is a must see for anyone needing to understand dyslexia, and the struggles families must endure to obtain the services and supports necessary to help their child learn.”

~Denise S. Marshall, CEO

The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc.

What a marvelous documentary that managed to weave research, science of reading, neurobiology, child development, speech/language, teaching literacy, a personal ‘real life’ story, without overwhelming the viewer.”

~Aletta Sinoff, BCBA-D, PhD, CCC-SLP

Blame It On Gutenberg makes a compelling and impressive feat in clarifying the roots of dyslexia, identifying what effective and impactful reading instruction and intervention should look like, and spotlighting a moving and ground breaking case that has opened doors for children with dyslexia and related learning differences. 

~Bill McCarthy

Head of the Hamilton School at Wheeler

Selected For Screening or Classroom Use by:

“This is a must-see documentary on the evolution of reading, reading science, & dyslexia.”

~Susan L. Condrin, M.A., CCC-SLP

SCREEN Blame It On Gutenberg

The film is a great catalyst to bring people together for a discussion, to share information, and to raise funds for your organization.  The 64-minute running time is a perfect length to provide a focal point for a gathering while allowing time for follow-up presentations and socializing.  We have also launched an initiative to help schools and organizations hold Learning Forums in their communities.

“Everyone loved the movie! …Blame it on Gutenberg needs to make the circuit across the USA. We hope that it helps to increase awareness of dyslexia and provides solutions for teaching reading to those that learn differently. We want Wisconsin to wake up to its reading crisis! We look forward to hosting additional screenings to share the message and the movement.”

~Kim Feller-Janus, Feller School

To book the film, preview it, or request more information please connect with us via the form below.


Blame It On Gutenberg is a non-profit project that is relying on viewer and sponsor support to help us defray the cost of producing the film. All donations are tax-deductible through the 501-c3 oversight of the Filmmakers Collaborative.


Though we have a way to go yet, we’re thankful to everyone who has helped thus far, including our most recent supporters:

Karen Kimberlin, Kimberly Tuminello, Melanie Schuele, Kate Carney, Vanderbilt University, Jessica Spobert, Sarah Robinson, Laura Egan, The University of North Dakota,  Tammy Croak, Lori Shikuma. Lolita B Fletcher, Stephanie Gardner, Candi Sellers

We are also extremely grateful for the support provided by:

Jan Wasowicz, PhD
Speech-Language Pathologist
Board Certified Specialist in Child Language

Learning Forums

The United States has about 55 million K-12th grade students.  It can be expected, conservatively, that about 5.5 million of those children are dyslexic.  Some neurodiversity advocates would put the number even as high as nearly 11 million.  Unfortunately, the National Center for Education Statistics estimates that only 4.5% of all K-12 students are diagnosed with dyslexia or other learning disabilities.  


The discrepancy means the parents of 3 to 9 million kids are likely desperate for help to understand why their children are having difficulties reading and learning.

The numbers are similar for adults.  In a U.S. workforce of roughly 160 million people, it can be expected that, conservatively, 16-20 million workers have dyslexia. They can be found in all professions and trades. Often these individuals hide their difficulty with reading, others gravitate to jobs that require minimal decoding of text.  For 95% of these adults, their dyslexia is undiagnosed.  Most know little if anything about the topic.

“I am an adult dyslexic…[this is] an outstanding documentary… So powerful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

~ Dr. Tammy Elser, Pablo, MT


A Blame It on Gutenberg Dyslexia Learning Forum provides actionable information, as well as the opportunity to ask questions, learn from experts, and meet others faced with similar challenges of coping with dyslexia and managing its impact on their lives.

Help Parents

“[My son] was taken off his IEP after 5th grade and I basically argued with the staff and principal and got nowhere and no support from any educator, administrator, or my husband. I caved. I will regret that decision till the day I die…[it] set him up for failure.”

~Laura P, Sylvania OH


Laura expresses a frustration and vulnerability experienced by parents across the country.  When coupled with a lack of understanding about dyslexia and budgetary tensions in school systems, the result is a large cohort of parents isolated from support who are generally younger and without the resources to secure help for their children. 

Help Teachers


Teachers are also in need of information and support.  Many are working from knowledge bases which are based on findings and theories which are decades old and are not being taught to instruct in the ways new research has documented to be most effective. 


Help Employees

Learning to read doesn’t come naturally. It involves repurposing neural pathways originally adapted to spotting prey or avoiding predators. That’s why many highly intelligent individuals will slog painfully through these paragraphs, while effortlessly absorbing the visual and verbal content in Blame It On Gutenberg and readily gain additional insight from a panel discussion and Q&A session. 

Create An Event

Bring the people impacted by dyslexia in your organization or community together with other parents, teachers, and advocates to learn and exchange ideas.  Provide a forum where people can ask questions, discover resources, and share insights


Create an event, in-person or virtually, that serves your community while also promoting your organization or school. Use Blame It On Gutenberg as the catalyst to draw people to your event.  The 64-minute film conveys a wide range of information succinctly and effectively. Utilize our experience, resources, and network of experts who can help your organization plan and stage your Forum to have the greatest impact.

“After surveying the field of films about dyslexia, we chose Blame It On Gutenberg because we felt its scope and quality of presentation would be greatly appreciated by our audience and provide an excellent set-up for an ensuing panel discussion.  And based on the reaction to our event, our choice was validated.”

~Trina O’Connor, M.Ed., The Fletcher School, Charlotte NC

It was awesome!  All I can say is thank you for all your work with this incredible film!  All attendees responded how powerful the message was and the way the film was put together was outstanding! We had quite a discussion afterwards, which invigorated all of us. ”

~Lisa Cyr, ALTA-NH, Derry NH

For more information on how we can help you hold a Learning Forum in your community please connect with us below.

LEARNING FORUM info request


Support literacy advocates, educators, and parents of struggling readers with the actionable information they need. And get the credit your organization deserves.

Sponsors will have on-screen recognition prior to the start of the film, as well as other benefits depending on the level of support, such as:

  • use of the film for internal communication efforts and outreach events
  • an exclusive opening credit with your logo and tag line
  • inclusion of a thirty-second promotional ad or executive message
  • opening, closing, and website credits for all non-exclusive uses of the film

Blame It on Gutenberg provides its audiences with valuable insight and understanding.  Sponsorship of the film will help us bring its content to people in search of answers and information.

“Great film.  Really moved me.  I’m just starting this journey with my son.  I hope you can spread awareness to as many people out there as you can. Thank you for making this film.”

~Jessica P, Special Educator & Parent

It can also give your organization the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to the well-being of your employees, local communities, and the viewers of the film across the globe.

“This is an excellent presentation every parent of a dyslexic child should view.”

~N. English, Instructor & Advocate

To learn more about sponsoring Blame It On Gutenberg, or to arrange a preview screening, please connect with us via the form below.

SPONSORSHIP Information Request


The onset of the COVID pandemic significantly impacted our production schedule, especially with respect to the filming  of interviews and classroom scenes. Nevertheless, we met and captured on-camera numerous individuals whose experience and expertise they generously shared. We are grateful to them all for their unique and trenchant insights into an often dauntingly complex topic.



Author of In The Mind’s Eye, Thinking Like Einstein, Seeing What Others Cannot See



Founder & CEO Learning By Design, Inc.



Associate Professor of Pediatrics Boston Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School



Founder and Executive Dyslexic of NoticeAbility.org



Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders Northwestern University



President, Museum of Printing, Haverhill, MA


Research Professor, UMass Boston


Elementary Special Education Program Head                                 Andover Public Schools (MA)


Assistant Superintendent of Student Services                                 Andover Public Schools (MA)


The journey to bring Blame It On Gutenberg to this form has taken numerous twists and turns, foremost among them being Covid, which created unprecedented challenges for filming and added to the costs of the project.  Nonetheless, inspired by the plight of people we encountered, personal experiences, and what we felt was a need for information to help parents (like us) we forged ahead to craft a high-quality production that would present the information in a medium dyslexics can readily access.

We also embarked upon this as a self-funded venture, an unusual course for a project such as this. All expenses incurred have been out of pocket, and all creative and technical work has been performed without compensation.

This non-traditional approach was the only way we could make sure that the film got made, trusting the audience for the film will appreciate our effort and ultimately help us recover the cost of time and treasure to produce it.

But we have only been able to take Blame It On Gutenberg so far.

To overcome the obstacles presented by Covid, the film utilizes imagery from third-party sources, which currently limits the film to Web distribution only.  Similar restrictions apply to the music tracks.  To access “broadcast” outlets such as Netflix, Prime, Hulu, cable channels, and the like, our licenses will need to be upgraded.  The film will also require technical enhancements to insure it meets the quality control standards of those distributors, as well as other legal and insurance expenses.

We hope you will see the value in helping our film reach the widest audience possible.

Blame it On Gutenberg enjoys non-profit status through its participation with the Filmmakers Collaborative, a 501c iii foundation which has been providing tax-exempt sponsorship and support to independent media projects since 1986.